Activate Your Heart Magic. Opening Your Way to Quantum Parenting
As part of The 12 Parenting Keys Quantum Programme

Dear Wonderful Soul,
You are warmly invited to join ‘Activate your Heart Magic. Opening Your Way to Quantum Parenting’, a free channelled online event.
Together we will look at how we, as parents, are gatekeepers for our children.
And how our children are inviting us right now to enter and anchor into a playground of parenting that overflows with joy, co-creation, sovereignty, and play!
And there is so much to unlock and discover from inside this playground. Because from here we can enjoy and explore the treasures of Quantum Parenting.
We can:
💓Nurture and grow a Deep Soul-to- Soul Connection with our Children.
💓 Call back more of our soul gifts and remembrance, so that we can step into what we came here to do with so much certainty, and play.
💓Co-create with Quantum friends, quantum gifts, to support and empower our children to feel confident, safe, and empowered in their human existence so they can call back more of who they are and step into their soul mission and thrive in their daily life.
💓Open ourselves up to receive quantum gifts from our children to support our ascension journey.
💓Experience so much more divine knowing, play and freedom in our parenting, whilst honouring our beautiful soul contracts.
And we enter this playground through our hearts. Because when we make decisions from a heart-centred, connected space we know what is in alignment for us and our family.
And with this comes the knowing that we have all the answers we need within!
During this channelled event you will be guided through a quantum process facilitated by my soul family to receive a 3-stage multi-dimensional activation of your heart consciousness.
This journey to unlock your Heart Magic will support you to:
- Release blocks and deep seated worry, and come into a place of divine knowing.
- Expand your capacity to access your heart wisdom, nurturing a clearer connection with your Higher Self and Soul.
- Create clear connections from your heart to your mind and your body, supporting you to embody more of your heart consciousness, so that you can co-create your journey from a powerful heart-centred space.
- Step forward into your new playground and transform your parenting experience.
Our children are already calling us into this playground. They know that we and they flourish when we are there, anchored into beautiful codes of Divine Parenthood.
By supporting us on our ascension journey, our children are helping us to take the steps towards and into this playground.
They may be triggering us to reflect where our energy is currently directed, to reveal what codes we are plugged into.
They may be healing us with their hands or their words, or through Light Language, crystals, sounds…
They may come to us in our dreams or meditations as their multi-dimensional self and give us or help us to reclaim quantum gifts and soul gifts.
By becoming aware of our children’s heartfelt invitation to enter into this connected and expansive space, we can choose to step forward. By doing this we embody more of who we are, we honour our soul contracts, and we shift into a beautiful co-creation with our children.
Because you came here with your children to experience so much love, joy, and freedom together!
Because you are a changemaker and a visionary.
I’m so excited to be facilitating this beautiful event, supporting, and initiating you into new ways of parenting and connection.
If you can’t make the webinar LIVE, please register and I would love to send you the recording.
With love,
Activating more Freedom, Self-Compassion, and Sovereignty in your Parenting
As part of The 12 Parenting Keys Quantum Programme

We extend a warm invitation for you to join the ‘Activating more Freedom, Self-Compassion, and Sovereignty in your Parenting’ channelled online event.
Together we will look at 12 powerful programmed beliefs that impact us, our actions, and our children and we will zoom in on Mum Guilt. These ‘slave codes’ or programmed beliefs around Motherhood have us play small, put ourselves last, strive for perfection, and doubt our intuition, constraining our freedom to be truly sovereign parents, co-creating our experiences with our children.
Often, we don’t consciously realise what codes we are plugged into and the powerful effect these have on our actions and beliefs about ourselves and our parenting.
By becoming aware of the impact on us and our children of being stuck in these programmed beliefs, we can take back our own power and choose.
Choose to embody more of who we are, our soul frequency, our authentic self.
Go beyond the limits of programmed beliefs and journey into awareness of the 12 Codes of Divine Parenthood, a foundation of Quantum Parenting which has us feel free, joyful, self-compassionate, sovereign and more!
The ‘Activating more Freedom, Joy and Sovereignty in your Parenting’ online event provides quantum gifts that empower you to:
Become aware of the Mum Slave Codes that you are currently plugged into.
Through a guided and channelled process, we will support your awareness of the slave codes or programmed beliefs that you are currently plugged into and why.
Take a deeper look at Mum Guilt and how this effects your wellbeing and the wellbeing of your children.
We will dive deep into how this belief constrains your freedom, how it has you compare yourself with others, with how you were parented as a child, and more…
Receive a beautiful quantum deactivation of the Mum Guilt codes from your energy field.
Explore the 12 Divine Parenthood Codes and Receive a deep connection with the Codes of Freedom and Self-Compassion.
So that you can take the first steps to anchoring into the Divine Parenthood Codes and know with divine certainty the way your Soul and your Children wish you to parent.
And much more!
Because you know that the old ways of parenting don’t work. And you know your children don’t want to be parented in the old ways.
Because you didn’t come here to do it alone and you didn’t come here to hide your light.
Because you know that your children chose your soul to be with, so they love it when you embody more and more of your soul frequency!
As we unplug from the vibration of guilt, overwhelm, perfectionism, not good enoughedness, and stressful striving, we are showing up for ourselves and for our children as our powerful authentic selves.
When we embody our authentic selves and empower our children to be their authentic selves, we can be so confident in ourselves and in our parenting because we can connect with our children, soul to soul. Then no decision is too daunting because we are co-creating our experiences together!
This is why I created ‘The 12 Parenting Keys’ Quantum Programme, so that parents and children can connect at such a deep soul level, calling back more and more of their soul gifts, co-creating realities of such joy, sovereignty, and freedom.
Accessing an incredible life of connection with your children, and doing what you came here to do… to change the world with your gifts.
During this channelled online event you will be taken through a quantum process facilitated by my soul family. This webinar invites you on a journey to:
- Explore the 12 Mum Slave Codes and their impact on you and your children, focusing on Mum Guilt.
- Receive a beautiful quantum deactivation of the Mum Guilt Codes from your field.
- Receive a beautiful connection with the Codes of Freedom and Self-Compassion from the Divine Parenthood Codes.
- Activate a deeper connection with your Soul and deeper layers of self-compassion.
- Take the first steps to anchoring into the Divine Parenthood Codes and know with divine certainty the way your Soul and your Children wish you to parent.
Please know, this transmission is part of the codex from The 12 Parenting Keys Quantum Programme and all the souls in this programme are also receiving this as part of their pre work for the full journey.
So by joining us, you are experiencing my true body of work as if you were in ‘The 12 Parenting Keys’ too.
During the full journey of ‘The 12 Parenting Keys’ we deactivate connections to all the 12 Mum Slave Codes and anchor your connection to the 12 Divine Parenthood Codes.
After this channelled transmission I am happy to share more about The 12 Parenting Keys Quantum Programme with you.
I’m so excited to be facilitating this beautiful event, supporting, and initiating you into new ways of parenting and connection.
Much Love,
If you can’t make the webinar LIVE, please register and I would love to send you the recording.
Unlock Quantum Parenting: A Journey to Deeper Connection and Co-Creation
As part of The 12 Parenting Keys Quantum Programme

Dear Wonderful Soul,
We extend a warm invitation for you to join the ‘Unlock Quantum Parenting: A Journey to Deeper Connection and Co-Creation’ channelled 90 minute online event.
Go beyond Conscious Parenting and discover the power and multidimensionality of Quantum Parenting, activate a deeper connection with your children, and embody beautiful codes of co-creation.
‘Unlock Quantum Parenting: A Journey to Deeper Connection and Co-Creation’ online event provides quantum gifts that empower you to go beyond conscious parenting and enter the Quantum realm for a deeper connection and co-creation with your children.
Receive the missing piece to the puzzle.
Conscious parenting looks at behaviours and emotional needs. But we know there is more to this because we are not just physical, mental, and emotional beings, we are spiritual beings.
Discover why Quantum Parenting is the missing piece.
Rather than looking at just behaviours and emotional needs, Quantum Parenting also looks at the spiritual journey that our children have chosen to take. And how their journey is in agreement with our soul contract and our journey here.
Quantum Parenting is a Gateway to:
Nurture a deeper energetic connection with your children so you know with absolute confidence what they want and need.
Co-create a family life of freedom, love and joy which honours your sovereignty and your children’s sovereignty, your uniqueness and theirs.
Open yourself up more fully to receiving soul guidance from your children.
And much more!
Because you didn’t come here to do it alone; you came here to co-create.
To co-create beautiful realities of family life.
To co-create new ways of parenting that are rooted in such high frequencies of freedom, joy, and love.
As we ascend and release density, and deepen our energetic connection with our children, we step more fully into the power of co-creation.
And together we do powerful things and co-create deeply nourishing and fulfilling relationships.
This is why I created ‘The 12 Parenting Keys’ Quantum Programme, so that parents and children can connect at such a deep soul level, calling back more and more of their soul gifts, co-creating realities of such joy and freedom.
Accessing an incredible life of connection with your children, and doing what you came here to do… to change the world with your gifts.
During this channelled online event you will be taken through a quantum process facilitated by my soul family. This webinar invites you on a journey to:
* Explore The 12 Parenting Keys and the quantum toolkits that empower you to support your children with emotions, grounding, sleep, boundaries, discernment…
* Learn about the Quantum and unlock your access to your channel more fully so that you can guide your children with more precision, supporting them to thrive.
* Activate deeper layers of co-creation with your children so that together you can live your soul purpose and co-create the family life you dream of. Unlock more openness to receiving their guidance for your ascension.
* Take the first steps to create a relationship with your children where they feel safe to come to you with everything and share their inner world.
Please know, this transmission is part of the codex from The 12 Parenting Keys Quantum Programme and all the souls in this programme are also receiving this as part of their pre work for the full journey.
So by joining us, you are experiencing my true body of work as if you were in ‘The 12 Parenting Keys’ too.
And after this channelled transmission I am happy to share more about The 12 Parenting Keys Quantum Programme with you.
I’m so excited to be facilitating this beautiful event, supporting and initiating you into new ways of parenting and connection.
Much Love,
If you can’t make the webinar LIVE, please register and I would love to send you the recording.