
“I had two consecutively wonderfully uplifting readings with Julie, first in regards to my son.  As soon as Julie connected our soul families and to a positive image of my son, I started to feel a falling away of the anxiety that I’d been holding about him.  She used imagery to help ground us both. By the end of his reading, I felt so much lighter and buoyant from the words, wisdom and healing energy that Julie wove into the reading that I asked if she could similarly read for me too. She had a good understanding of the challenges involved in parenting that was also heartening for me.” Jenan

I received Quantum Codes to help me on my parenting journey and soul-to-soul connection with my son. The benefits are more than rewarding, knowingly feeling and being aware of the deeper level in our connection. It really works! Jane

‘Working with Julie on the Quantum Parenting course has been an absolute journey. She has been so gentle and focused on supporting my family at a pace that was right for me. My mind has been opened to so many possibilities and she has helped to shift my perspective on the origin of some of the behaviour traits within my family, giving me a different understanding and tools for parenting going forward. Julie holds the space with ease and allows you to relax and ease into, what for me has been a mind-blowing experience.’ Julia

‘Julie is so welcoming and intuitive and created such a magical space for me to relax in. I went in feeling out of balance and on edge and came out feeling totally zenned out, and I’m grateful to say that I have continued to feel this way!‘ Aimee